Thursday, May 15, 2008

This one goes out...

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

This one goes out to everyone who uses smilies and terms like "lol" in the place of actual phrases with words while instant messaging.

Smilies are spice, not substance! If you respond to an IM of mine with only a smiley, you haven't said anything or moved the conversation forward in any way. Say something else.

The same thing goes for "lol" and its ilk.

Use your words, people!

End of rant.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

NYC AIDS Walk 2008

Above: the St. Mary the Virgin 2007 AIDS Walk team. I'm on the far left.

This is my second year participating in NYC's AIDS Walk. This year the Walk is on Sunday, May 15th. As you can see, I'm rather late sending this fund raising email, so I hope you'll log on and donate right now!

Again this year I am part of the team at my church (St. Mary the Virgin, Times Square) and our team goal is to raise $20,000. My personal goal is $1,000. My hope is that you will help me and my team far surpass our goals.

If you do, you'll be helping the Gay Men's Health Clinic and various other organizations which serve those with HIV/AIDS. I can't emphasize enough the importance of supporting these organizations, especially given our current administration's reduction of funding for...well...everything other than war.

I greatly appreciate even the smallest donation. $5 is great, and if each of you receiving this email gives just that amount, I will be well on my way to reaching my goal. Of course, greater amounts are fantastic.

You can donate by going to my personal fundraising web page at the AIDS Walk web site.

Or, if the above link doesn't work, go to

This year the St. Mary's team will be walking early, on Saturday, May 14th, just after the noon Mass, because we'd all like to be in church on Sunday morning for Trinity Sunday. If you'd like to join us, just let me know via email or comment nd I'll send you all the details.

Thank you very much.